Special Board Meeting 8/24/2022




Council Chambers, 120 N. 7th St., Rich Hill

August 24, 2022 7:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Moment of Silence
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Public Comments: Each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes
  7. Minutes
    1. Waive the Reading of the Minutes
    2. Approval of the Minutes
      1. Board Meeting 7/13/22
      2. Tax Levy Hearing 8/10/22
      3. Special Board Meeting 8/10/22
      4. Special Board Meeting 8/18/22
    3. Approval of Closed Minutes
      1. Board Meeting 7/13/22
  8. Financials
    1. Bills paid 8-10-22
    2. Operating Cash $85,437.47
    3. Restricted $0.00
    4. Designated $0.00
    5. Total Payment $85,437.47
  9. Financial Statement
  10. Check Register
  11. Transaction Register
  12. Tax Revenue
  13. Intrafund Transfer
  14. Interfund Transfer
  15. New Business
    1. Records of Destruction
    2. 1974 Utility Pole Trailer Bid Opening
    3. Liquor License
    4. Cat Cages
    5. 4TH Street Culvert
  16. Reports
    1. Alliance Report
    2. Fire Report
    3. Police Report
    4. Assistant City Clerk Report
    5. Engineering Report
    6. Mayor’s Report
  17. Closed Session Section 610.021 RSMo. Paragraph #1 Legal, #3 Personnel, #12 Negotiated Contracts and #13 Personnel Records
  18. Adjournment